The Camino Invierno.

With my foot still not a 100% I decided to shorten the Camino and caught the bus from Ponferrada to El Barco de Valdeorras.  This has shortened the Camino by two stages.
The "new" part of Ponferrada from my hotel.

I was especially glad that the bus journey was only an hour in length, as I felt quite queasy by the time we arrived. I headed straight to the Pension that I had stayed in last time, then wandered down to the river to see the people as they came out to promenade.  This is a town with a population of around 12,000 people and so it has all facilities in it.  The accommodation on this Camino is quite reasonably priced.  Even though I am staying in single rooms, last nights room, with an ensuite, cost €30, and tonight's, also with an ensuite, is €25. 
The Pension I am staying in at A Rúa.
...and my room.

Today I have walked from Barco to A Rúa, a distance from accommodation to accommodation of around 15kms.  Both these towns are on the Rio Sil.  My foot has fared pretty well, and so I feel confident I will be able to manage the longer distance required for tomorrow. 
Pilrims Lucien & Jesús leaving  O Barco
This area was hit by fires a month or so ago.  There were burnt areas on both sides of the Rio Sil for the length of today's walk.
A granite fence protects pedestrians, but the reservoir is very low.
A Rúa

When we were in Ponferrada there were droves of pilgrims, but things have changed now.  Indeed there are so few pilgrims that those I see stand out.  I met Pedro earlier today at lunch, and then later in the afternoon.  We talked via google translate, and I am a little sad that I probably won't see this very gentle cycling pilgrim because he will be travelling much faster and further than me.  I have also met Lucien from Belgium, and Robert & Sarah from Poland.  We are spread over the town so who knows when, or if, I will see them again.

I am staying in a delightful pension which overlooks the church.  I am delighted as the bells have been chiming every quarter hour, but not sure if it will go all night.  It also has a carrilon. 


  1. Reading of this trip, you have made even more enjoyable of the previous trips

    1. Every Camino is different and they are all enjoyable, and hard, in different ways. Each one has its ups and downs, metaphorically and physically.

  2. If memory serves me, ponferrada has a radio museum. When Ursula, her mum and I were last there (a good while ago now) I talked her into going. I think she was more impressed than she expected to be. Mostly by the old ornate cabinets. As I write I am about an hour out of Pamplona. Roughly 12 hours from now I'll be walking...

  3. Buen Camino, and do enjoy. Will no doubt hear all about it on your return


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