Rest and Recovery Days to Puente Almuhey

Well, it has been a couple of days since my last post, but we have only really had one day of walking!

We left Cervera de Pisuerga on a glorious cool, sunny morning making good headway up hill.  The path quickly left the road and headed along rough tracks, even involving a bit of bush bashing.  We began with a fairly stiff climb which levelled out on what may have been an old railway line leading from a mine in the hills. 
Lovely paths,
interesting ruins,
and great views.

We had magnificent views of the mountains and I had to stop frequently to photograph and admire the scenery. 
We stopped, rested, and ate lunch in the porch of a church.  This has actually been the first time we have done this as either there has been nowhere to sit, or it has been in the sun, but this time it was a perfect spot, and we were able to eat our picnic lunch of empanadas in comfort.
Our lunch spot in Cantoral de la Peña,
and the views continued.
We crossed a railway line that we ended up travelling on the next evening. 

After lunch we set off, bemoaning the fact that we were no longer in shade, and the sun was beating down.  We were making really good time,  thinking we would get to our destination of Tarilonte de la Peña within a few hours - ...... but .......

I began to get a sore foot - tendonitis!  We called a halt at Cruz de Término de Traspeña de la Peña.  We called the owner of the hotel we were headed for and she generously came and collected us.  Her hotel was a delight and a nice place to rest while I treated my foot.  Lots of calf stretches, massage, voltaren gel!  Our hostess provided us with a simple dinner, and a hearty breakfast.  We were only planning to stay one night here, but we could only get a reservation for 2 nights, so we paid double!
Our hotel in Tarilonte de la Peña. 

After much thought we hitched a ride with our hostess backwards to Cervera, planning to catch a bus forward to Guardo.  We discovered, on arrival,  that the bus only goes on a Friday (this was Wednesday)!  We had a leisurely day waiting to catch the train at 7.00pm and moved on 2 stages to Puente Almuhey, where we have had another rest day, while I have regularly done calf stretches etc.  My foot is considerably improved and the plan is to set off tomorrow  for Cistierna.
The little Feve train that rocked and swayed for the hour long journey to Puente Almuhey. 

Puente Almuhey is a lovely little village, and we have both enjoyed our rest day here.
A stork's nest in Puente Almuhey. 
First course for lunch....
....followed by the second - shared between the two of us!


  1. Replies
    1. There have been very good meals and some more basic, including muesli bars on one occasion.


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