Aguilar de Campóo and across to Cervera de Pisuerga

We caught  a taxi from Reinosa to Olea to pick up the path again.  We have had a delightful few days as we have walked across the Plains of the plateau, still up high, at roughly 900 - 1,000 metres.

As we descended down an inline from Olea to the valley floor we heard what was a constant sound for not only that day, but for the next few - cow bells.  Cow bells though is a misnomer.  These bells are on sheep and the many horses roaming the paddocks too.  We have had this sound occasionally accompanying  us for quite a few days, but it has been a real constant recently. 
The path has been winding itself across the valley floor with mountain views to catch our eye.  We are now getting closer to the Picos de Europa and they are taking a prominent sight as we walk ever closer.
Our last day to Cervera de Pisuerga has been a delight, following the Rio Pisuerga as it gurgled its way to Aguilar de Campóo, which is on the river also.  We broke this stage in 2 stopping at a delightful village of Salinas de Pisuerga.  
on the way to Salinas de Pisuerga 
the church tower in Salinas de Pisuerga. 
our host and the hotel we stayed at in Salinas de Pisuerga. 

On the way to Salinas we passed an ancient necrpolis carved out of the granite.  qite an amazing task considering the tools that would have been used.

Aguilar is a lovely town, and on a Sunday afternoon it was humming quite well.  It sits on the river, but below a dam, making one hope that provisions are in place if there were exceptional rains like we have had on the East coast!  We had to climb up to the dam wall before leaving the river for a while and heading off to Salinas.
Indicative of the inclement weather are the many arcades in Aguilar. 
Aguilar de Campóo 
It was here we met two more (Spanish) pilgrims, meeting a third as we walked into Cervera.  It is unlikely we will see this man again as he is setting a cracking pace.  We had a pleasant evening last night talking to a 76 yr old Englishman who is walking the GR1.

We have been seeing many cranes  nest along the way, but have yet to hear their clacking sound as the birds themselves are not in residence. 


  1. love the arches on the buildings, and the crane nests. we have been watching, continuously the happenings in England. The service in the Cathedral was very moving and beautiful.
    It was decided not to have MM during the hols, so the guitars and ukes + others are meeting at SSR for next 2 weeks for a jam session. Look after those sore limbs.

    1. We too have been watching the events in the UK. The King of Spain was present at the funeral and so there was a lot of coverage here.


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