
Believe it or not, I have been so busy that I have not had a chance to update you on my 2 day stay in the lovely Galician city of Ourense.  This was a city that I had never visited in my time in Galicia and it was all new to me.  

Ourense is a vibrant city with a rich heritage. It is built on several hills spreading out on either side of the Rio Miño, the river I should have crossed if I had continued on the Camino Invierno.   It is also the starting point on the Camino Sanabrés for those who have restricted themselves to the last 100kms walking to Santiago de Compostela, in order to obtain a compostela (the rule being that to get the compostela one needs proof of having walked from a hundred kilometres out).

It is a city with thermal baths, some open to the public, some private.  The water coming out of the fountain in the centre of the city was so hot I couldn't hold my hand under it.  Without bathers, and with my foot still quite sore, despite some wonderful physio, I decided I wouldn't hobble out to see the other baths.
The thermal fountain in town.  While there I saw a local man come and filled a bucket with hot water.
Some of the gardens around the fountain. 

Like a lot of cities in Spain, in the evening every one is out and about.   All the bars and cafes positively hum.

It is a city of bridges, two notable ones being the millennium bridge and the Ponte Vella, or old bridge.  Ponte Vella is a quite common name for a bridge.  I crossed another, smaller, one with the same name in Monforte de Lemos.  The Millennium bridge is extraordinary, having not only a footpath on either side, but also steps going to the top of the bridge, and down below too.
Ponte Vella
The steps leading to the top of the Millennium Bridge. 
... and more bridges crossing the Rio Miño. 

The attractive thing about Ourense is the old streets and buildings.   One of these buildings is the beautiful Claustro de San Francisco de Ourense.  The cloisters, all that remains of a huge monastery are very beautiful, as are the views of the city from this high point.  The cathedral is huge - I seemed to walk forever to find the front door!  This building is squashed in between all the other buildings and, despite its size, is difficult to find.  A lot of work is being done restoring the building, both inside and out.
Claustro de San Francisco de Ourense. 

The Cathedral
The Cathedral in the midst of the city.
A street in Ourense

I left by train for Santiago after two delightful days in Ourense.  I will attempt to finish this blog tomorrow with my time in Santiago, which had some lovely unexpected surprises.  For now bed is calling.


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