Back on the road again

We have had two good days of walking since returning to the path from Leon. We caught the 9.00am bus and had indulged in a second coffee before heading off from la Robla by 10.00 am. There was an earlier bus at 7.00, but even leaving our hostal at 8.00 am we were still in the half dark! We had to be very careful leaving la Robla as this is where two paths - the Camino San Salvador and the Camino Olvidado - merge and separate. Getting ourselves sorted we set off on the way, taking a while to leave the industrial parts of the town. Indeed these past two days we have passing numerous quarries, the first one being about an hour out of the town. Leaving la Robla We had company as we walked through one village. These are big dogs and they made us feel nervous, and so we didn't linger to take photos. It is not only cars that that are parked in village streets. We stopped and had lunch in a bus...